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1 DVD и 2 DVD DL и 1 CD |
12/2006 |
200 USD |
ON Demand for Transmissions — это система информационного обеспечения работ по диагностике, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию ручных и автоматических коробок передач автомобилей производства США, Японии, Ю.Кореи и ведущих европейских фирм. В программе Mitchell Transmissions содержится информация по поиску неисправностей, расположению различных компонентов, процедурам снятия и установки, ремонту, регулировкам и т.п. А так же Oil Circuit Diagrams. Вся информация официально получена от фирм изготовителей автомобилей и записана на 2 DVD DL + 1 компакт-диске (версия 2006 года).
MITCHELL ON DEMAND for Transmissions gives you a comprehensive database of automatic and manual transmission information complete with Mitchell’s full-color oil circuit diagrams redrawn from factory specifications. You’ll appreciate the consistency, clarity and easy-to-read format.
Our wiring diagrams are converted from factory schematics into formatted, consistently-clear diagrams with added features such as component and ground locations, pin numbers, switch internals and power distribution identification.
When used in combination with the diagnostic charts, these service «maps» make troubleshooting and testing faster and easier than ever. And since not all shifting symptoms are directly related to the transmission, ON-DEMAND for transmissions covers electronic and component locations and drive axels, as well as clutch and transmission. Valuable service bulletins and overhaul labor times are also included.
OnDemand5 Transmission gives you a comprehensive database of automatic and manual transmission information complete with Mitchell’s full-color oil circuit diagrams redrawn from factory specifications. You’ll appreciate the consistency, clarity and easy-to-read format.
Our wiring diagrams are converted from factory schematics into formatted, consistently-clear diagrams with added features such as component and ground locations, pin numbers, switch internals and power distribution identification.
When used in combination with the diagnostic charts, these service «maps» make troubleshooting and testing faster and easier than ever. And since not all shifting symptoms are directly related to the transmission, OnDemand5 Transmission covers electronic and component locations and drive axles, as well as clutch and transmission. Valuable service bulletins are also included.
There Are cheap disks where it is told about repair of this or that model, but they a little than differ from issued books, and do not cover deep aspects of repair and diagnostics cars. Not as an example to them catalogues Mitchell it is intended for professional repair and diagnostics of automobiles, and on this there there are no avaricious phrases such as » turn off the fifth bolt at the left «, there it is in detail told about that how to find and remove the arisen malfunction, it is devoted to a problem of diagnostics of electronic systems much (many models of machines allow to carry out(spend) computer diagnostics not resorting to the help of services and saving thus the decent sums) In the catalogue it is told about repair of all units and units, all electronic components — such as for example АBS, АTSG, a pillow of safety, a climate the control, a control system of the engine. On each model the full spectrum of electric circuits is submitted (on the average from 15 up to 70 sheets), thus the same model is necessary to take into account that but with a difference in release of all year has a different electric equipment and it is perfectly visible under the catalogue (I do not think that what or the book is capable to contain in itself such quantity(amount) of circuits). In the catalogue automobiles with 1983 for 1999, all in the catalogue more than 600 models of machines and on everyone more than 3000 pages of the text, by itself all this in English are submitted. In the catalogue all automobiles made in USA and as the Japanese, Korean and German models which were delivered on the market of USA are submitted. By itself if your machine is intended only for the Japanese market she(it) either is absent, or there are essential differences from the same model intended on export To basic catalogue MITCHELL ON-DEMAND the information on transmission enters in small volume as from a series of products MITCHELL there is separate catalogue MITCHELL TRANSMISSION where all is in detail told on repair of automatic and manual boxes of transfers, , bridges as instructions on diagnostics there are given.
The following articles, among others, have been added or updated for this release:
146 Transaxle/Transmission articles including removal & installation, servicing, diagnosis & overhaul, shift interlock systems, and electronic controls
200 Driveline/Axles articles including front, rear, hybrid, and 4WD data
200 Electronic Component Locator articles have been included for Domestic and Import vehicles where available
2900 Wiring Diagrams articles have been added or updated for 1987-2004 Domestic and Import vehicles where available
Additional General Information articles continue to be added for Domestic and Import cars and light trucks in an effort to cover these systems.